Building a Community for Your Brand in New Mexico

For local small businesses, New Mexico is a great place to call home and build a community!  From Santa Fe to Albuquerque to Taos, New Mexico boasts some great hubs for business and creativity.  There are a variety of tools and resources available in and around these markets to help build a local community for your brand.  Whether you’re starting from the ground up or have already laid the foundation, these 5 tips will help you grow your community, and enhance your small business marketing in New Mexico.

1. Use local hashtags and location tags

One great way to make community connections is by making use of popular hashtags and location tags nearby on your posts.  These are two of the main ways people search for new content, particularly on Instagram.  Having a presence in these search areas can help your brand’s content get in front of new eyes locally.  Each state and city has their own set of popular hashtags.  A few that might be worth trying in New Mexico: 









2. Targeted Facebook advertising

Reaching a local audience virtually can also be done effectively through Facebook ads. Facebook advertising allows you to segment your audience geographically, so you can make ads specifically aimed at potential customers in your area.  For instance, if you run a small clothing boutique and have your annual clearance event coming up, you can use Facebook advertising in Albuquerque to let the local community know about your event and encourage people to attend.

3. Participate in local events

If you want to take things offline and into the real world, local events can be another great way to interact with locals and build a community for your brand. Throughout the year and across the state, there are a variety of events and festivals that your brand could have a presence at.  Whether you are selling product or merely building brand awareness, taking part in local events can be well worth the time and investment. The face time with potential customers can be invaluable, and can build up a loyal following for your business in the area.

4. Build relationships with other local brand

Another way to get your name out there and reach new people is by collaborating with other small local businesses.  You can work together on a limited-time offering, or simply cross-promote for each other on your websites and social media pages. Showing support for other companies will help you establish yourself in the New Mexico small business community. The more you support and work with other local businesses, the more likely they will be to support you as well. Additionally, any time you are working with another business, it provides you with an opportunity to interact with their fans and potentially grow your own fanbase. 

5. Make use of resources from local organizations

Finally, as a small business owner in New Mexico, there are a handful of programs, groups, and government initiatives that can benefit you and help you grow your business locally.  The New Mexico Small Business Association aims to help small business owners in the state with a variety of resources. Small business networking groups can also help you connect with other business owners and learn from them about ways to grow your community. Individual cities and counties sometimes offer resources and incentives for small businesses as well.  Be sure to make use of all the resources the local New Mexico community has to offer for local business owners.

With the methods above, your brand’s community can grow and expand quickly. These techniques will help you to really establish yourself in the New Mexico small business community, and help your company’s growth immensely.

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