
Instagram in 2023: How To Grow Your Following

Instagram is a platform that provides brands with many opportunities to expand their customer base. With more than 500 million daily users, Instagram has some of the most engaged audiences among all social media platforms. From Reels to brand ambassadors, Instagram is an essential digital marketing tool to grow your audience and build relationships with potential customers.

Incorporate reels into your content

Instagram Reels are fun videos, similar to TikTok, that you can share with your followers on your Instagram account. Reels feature fun audio, effects, and creative tools for unique video creation. Reels can be shared on your feed and the Instagram explore page to reach new audiences. To gain traction, you should keep your social media content trend-driven, relatable, and educational.

Share user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool used by marketers to help influence engagement and increase conversions. UGC helps humanize your brands by featuring real people with real stories. UGC builds a more trusting relationship with potential customers. Customers love to be seen and heard, so sharing personalized content draws more attention to your page.

Work with brand ambassadors

Customers trust individuals to whom they can relate, so micro-influencers are the perfect product promoters. As an up-and-coming brand, working with brand ambassadors with a couple hundred to a few thousand followers can instill a sense of trust in your products. It is important you choose individuals who genuinely support your brand and encourage customers to try your products.

Cross-promote content

Cross-promoting involves posting similar content across various social media platforms. Businesses cross-promote to save resources and time. It is very effective in increasing audience engagement and brand awareness on Instagram. Mobile app users are spending an increasing amount of time on video content apps such as TikTok and Youtube. Cross-promoting on these platforms will expose your brands to new and similar audiences across platforms.

With the tips above, you’ll have the best chance at growing your following on Instagram. Growth still won’t happen overnight though, so patience and consistency are key when it comes to growing your Instagram following.

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