
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

Happy 2021!  We all probably have personal resolutions picked out by now, but what about resolutions for your small business?  Here are a few suggestions to help strengthen your business in the new year.

Resolve to release new products.

If you’ve been working on new releases and waiting to pull the trigger, now’s the time.  New products or services are one of the most exciting things you can do for your customers, and can be a hugely successful way to reinvigorate your business.  Start the new year with some new offerings to help drive sales and move your company forward. 

Resolve to take more calculated risks.

When it comes to marketing, you don’t want to be impulsive and make major decisions without data, but you also do not want to play it too safe.  Sometimes, you need to take risks and try new things to reap the biggest rewards.  Whether it’s delving into a new social media platform, creating a controversial advertisement, or expanding your target demographic, try to resolve not to be stagnant this year.  Always use research and analysis when making these big changes and don’t rush it, but do not be afraid to move forward and try new tactics in 2021. 

Resolve to step up your customer service game.

Along with social media, customer service is one of those aspects of your business that is relatively inexpensive, but can make a HUGE difference in your sales and perceptions of your brand.  Something as simple as a satisfactory reply to an email or social media message can win or lose you future sales.  This year, focus on using the resources you have to make your customer service game as strong as it can be. 

Resolve to optimize your website.

With each passing day in this age of digitalization, virtual connections, and online shopping, your brand’s website becomes more and more important to your overall success.  In the new year, resolve to make your website the best it can be.  While this can feel like a massive undertaking, there are actually plenty of small changes you can make that can help a lot. 

Start by cleaning up links, tabs, and navigation to make sure everything is clear and working as it should be.  Nothing is more frustrating than a mislabeled tab, or a link that leads to nowhere.  Then you can work on updating the look of your site, to feel modern and current, along with streamlining the connections between pages and making your site as easy to use as possible.

Resolve to post on Instagram more often.

You basically can never post too much on social media.  As a brand, you want to be posting frequently, engaging with your audience as much as possible, and working consistently to grow your following.  However, when you have a million other things going on, it can be all too easy to let social media slip through the cracks.  

This year, resolve to prioritize Instagram more.  It’s a great platform to use to grow your following and gain new customers.  Plus, social media marketing is one of the cheapest and most cost-effective ways to sell your business.  Post quick stories giving viewers an inside look into what you’re working on.  Spend the time curating content to post on your grid.  Do all you can to connect with potential customers on Instagram.  

And if you just really don’t have the time to put into your social media, we can help!  Learn more about our social media management services here. These 5 resolutions are a great jumping off point to kick off 2021 on the right note for your business. 

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