Where Should You Share This Content?

If your brand is like most, you probably have accumulated some valuable creative assets that you want to make use of, from television ads to professional photos to instructional videos.  Social media can be a great way to share and proliferate these assets, but different types of creative are best suited for different placements.  We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common creative assets you may have in your arsenal, or topics you may want to share with your followers, and are sharing the best placements for each one. 

Long-form instructional or educational videos: IGTV, YouTube

Users of many social media sites have short attention spans. When people are scrolling through Instagram or scanning their Facebook feed, they don’t necessarily want to stop and watch a full-scale 20 minute video. If you have a full-length video of this sort, like one that is meant to educate the audience or that provides detailed instructions about how to use your products, you’ll want to share this content on YouTube or IGTV on Instagram. These sites are aimed at longer videos and attract viewers who are prepared to watch longer, more complicated content.

Quick Q-and-A’s: Instagram Live, Stories

Maybe you have put together shorter, informative clips answering common questions about your company or your offerings. This type of content is more easily digestible and can succeed on sites that do not necessarily lend themselves to super engaged viewing. Answering FAQs should be done in places like Facebook and Instagram stories, or on Instagram Live. These placements lend themselves to short videos, but can still encourage engagement from your audience.

Multiple Short Video Snippets: Reels, Stories, TikTok

Placements like Instagram Reels, Facebook or Instagram Stories, and TikTok are perfect for splicing together multiple short videos and photos to tell an entertaining and engaging story. In these spots, you can overlay text and stickers to make your content even more eye-catching, and can include audio to enhance the viewing experience as well. Long, informative videos are not going to perform as well in these placements. But if your content is short and sweet, this is the way to go.

Text-Heavy Assets: Facebook

Sometimes, you need to share information with your audience that isn’t easily portrayed visually. If you have an asset that is very text-heavy, or have an announcement that needs a lengthy explanation to go along with it, sharing on Facebook is your best bet. Facebook’s audience is slightly older, has a slightly longer attention span, and is more receptive to posts without eye-catching graphics than most other social media placements.

News Articles and Media: Website, Facebook, Twitter

Whenever your brand is mentioned by the media, you definitely want to share and get the word out about it. First and foremost, it’s a great idea to have a section on your website dedicated to PR and Media. Anytime your brand gets press, be sure you add a link to this page on your site. Potential customers will be impressed seeing the collection of media attention your brand has received all in one place. These types of posts are also perfect to be shared on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Share a link to the article, video, or other form of news your brand received. As a bonus, tagging the news outlet in these types of posts can even help bring added attention and potential new followers to your social channels.

Professional Photos: Many placements, but particularly Instagram

If you have recently had professional photos taken for your brand, for any purpose, you will likely want to spread them far and wide. Professional photography puts your brand in its best light, and thus should be shared far and wide. There really isn’t a bad place to share high-quality photos. However, the images will make the most impact on their own on Instagram. On other sites, like Facebook, you may need supplementary content, like well-written copy, to help your photos get attention. Instagram is geared toward a focus on the visuals, so eye-catching imagery will serve your brand very well here.

Print Ads: Facebook, Twitter, maybe Instagram

Although print advertising is becoming less and less popular, many businesses still have print ads that they are proud of, and represent their business well. If they are particularly impressive, you may want to find a way to share these types of ads digitally as well. If they can be converted and resized, these ads can be shared on a variety of social media channels. Facebook and Twitter are both great places to start. Instagram can be a good option as well, but keep in mind that you should try to make sure your Instagram content is square. Thus, it could be more challenging to resize an ad designed for print to fit these specifications.

TV Ads: YouTube, Facebook

Another asset many businesses have in their arsenal is an ad made for television. These types of videos are usually 15 to 30 seconds long, and share pertinent information about your brand in an entertaining way. If you are proud of an ad your team has created, there is no reason not to disperse it through digital channels as well. YouTube and Facebook in particular lend themselves well to professionally produced videos of this length. Similar to print ads, Instagram can be a useful placement for TV ads as well, but only if the video can be appropriately resized and reworked to fit Instagram’s specifications.

Business Information and Updates: Depends on the Specifics

Finally, every business at some point will have updates or changes to their basic business information that need to be shared. This could be anything from updated operating hours, to new shipping policies, to pricing changes. When an operating change is relevant to your audience and needs to be shared, social media channels are a very useful tool to disperse information. The best placements, however, will depend on the specific info you are trying to share.

In general, changes that are temporary or updates that are relevant only in a specific moment should be shared on stories. For instance, if your shop is closing early for an event, if you have run out of a certain menu item for the night, or if you have special holiday offerings for a weekend, spread this information through your stories.

For changes that are larger or longer-lasting, however, you will want to share the information in other places as well. For permanent changes to your hours, new menu items that will be sticking around, or similar updates, consider posting on all social channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Also be sure to add this information to your website and any other third-party sites that have your business info, like Yelp and Google.

There are so many ways to make use of your various creative assets online. Almost any asset your business possesses can be shared digitally; it is just a matter of knowing which placement(s) will be the most fitting for a given asset.

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