If your brand is like most, you probably have accumulated some valuable creative assets that you want to make use of, from television ads to professional photos to instructional videos. Social media can be a great way to share and proliferate these assets, but different types of creative are best suited for different placements. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common creative assets you may have in your arsenal, or topics you may want to share with your followers, and are sharing the best placements for each one.
Long-form instructional or educational videos: IGTV, YouTube
Quick Q-and-A’s: Instagram Live, Stories
Multiple Short Video Snippets: Reels, Stories, TikTok
Text-Heavy Assets: Facebook
News Articles and Media: Website, Facebook, Twitter
Professional Photos: Many placements, but particularly Instagram
Print Ads: Facebook, Twitter, maybe Instagram
TV Ads: YouTube, Facebook
Business Information and Updates: Depends on the Specifics
Finally, every business at some point will have updates or changes to their basic business information that need to be shared. This could be anything from updated operating hours, to new shipping policies, to pricing changes. When an operating change is relevant to your audience and needs to be shared, social media channels are a very useful tool to disperse information. The best placements, however, will depend on the specific info you are trying to share.
In general, changes that are temporary or updates that are relevant only in a specific moment should be shared on stories. For instance, if your shop is closing early for an event, if you have run out of a certain menu item for the night, or if you have special holiday offerings for a weekend, spread this information through your stories.
For changes that are larger or longer-lasting, however, you will want to share the information in other places as well. For permanent changes to your hours, new menu items that will be sticking around, or similar updates, consider posting on all social channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Also be sure to add this information to your website and any other third-party sites that have your business info, like Yelp and Google.
There are so many ways to make use of your various creative assets online. Almost any asset your business possesses can be shared digitally; it is just a matter of knowing which placement(s) will be the most fitting for a given asset.