
Why Even “Bad” Ads Are Actually Good

Have you heard the old saying “All press is good press”? Well, the same is usually true in advertising. With the exception of problematic or offensive ads, running pretty much any ad can help your business. Whether your ads really hit the nail on the head or not, they can almost always be beneficial.

Digital Marketing Terminology: What it Means, and Why it Matters

There’s a lot of jargon that gets thrown around when it comes to digital marketing. For anyone who is not familiar with the field, it can sound like a whole lot of nonsense with all the abbreviations, acronyms, and specialized terminology. We’re here today to provide a little bit of insight into some of this terminology and the importance it holds in the field.

Using Facebook Tests to Improve Your Ads

As a business, you probably spend a good deal of time working on your Facebook ads. You brainstorm the creative, study your page posts to see what your audience is responding to, and analyze results to figure out what’s working and what you need to change. However, you can take it a step further and really make sure you’re getting the most out of your ads with Facebook tests. Facebook offers a few types of tests that can help you gather more data about your ads, and really perfect them, from the creative to the placement to the audience and more.

Top Notch Low-Cost Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing can eat up a lot of resources and a lot of time if you want to do it right. However, it doesn’t always need to be that way. From analytics to content creation to photo editing, here are some great free or low-cost tools to help your digital marketing efforts.

What is Geofencing?

We talked a bit about location-based marketing on the blog a few weeks ago. Today, we’re diving a little deeper into one specific form of location-based marketing, geofencing. Read on for the scoop on all things geofencing, from what it even is, to how it compares to other forms of marketing and how your business can benefit from it.

Benefits of Investing in SEO for Your Business

If you’re at all involved in marketing, or spend any amount of time online, you probably know a bit about SEO. SEO helps you rank higher on search engines. That in and of itself is a pretty big benefit, but how can that actually help your business? Here are just a few reasons SEO matters.

Spring Your Marketing Forward for Spring

Things are warming up and thawing out as we spring into spring. Make sure your digital marketing efforts transition with the seasons with these tips to help you spring forward.

Creative Ways to Make Your Facebook Ads Stand Out

Creating and running Facebook ads for your business can be relatively simple. However, if you want your ads to stand out, Facebook offers a variety of tools and methods to create attention-grabbing advertisements. Make use of all of these tools, and make the most of your content, with the tips below to step up your Facebook ads.

How Location-Based Marketing Can Help Your Business

A major trend in digital marketing that we haven’t talked about much before is location-based marketing. This type of marketing can help you target the right customers for your business more precisely, and save you from wasting valuable dollars on marketing to the wrong people. Read on to learn more about location-based marketing, and contact us today to find out how we can help your business make use of these technologies to reach new audiences.

Bringing Experiential Marketing Virtual

Experiential marketing had been growing for years, and emerging as an important part of marketing strategy…and then 2020 happened. Experiential marketing isn’t going away now, but it does definitely look different than anyone was expecting, with more of an emphasis on virtual experiences. Read on to walk through what experiential marketing is, and how it can successfully be taken virtual.

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