Category: Uncategorized

  • Improve Your SEO With Internal Links

    Improve Your SEO With Internal Links

    You can read 25 different articles and hear about 25 different ways to improve your SEO.  There isn’t just one single path to success.

    One aspect of any SEO optimization plan that is important, and relatively easy to implement, is optimizing internal links.  Below, we’re talking all about internal links, their value, and how to make them work for you. 

    What is an Internal Link?

    So first and foremost, let’s define an internal link. This is any link that connects two pages within the same domain (on the same website). For instance, if you run a restaurant with online ordering and on your homepage there is a “Shop Now” button that takes people to your online storefront, that would be an internal link. Internal links take you to a new location on the same website.

    What are the Other Types of Links?

    This post is all about internal links, but there are two other major types of links that play a role in your SEO as well. These are external links and backlinks. External links exist on your website, and take people to a different site. For instance, if you write a blog post and source your data from a New York Times article, you would likely include an external link to the NYT in that post.

    Backlinks are the opposite of external links: They live on other websites, and direct people to your site. For instance, if you run a CPG company and your product is featured in Good Housekeeping’s list of best products of the year, they likely will include a backlink to your site in that list.

    Types of Internal Links

    Now back to our focus on internal links. You can classify your internal links in two categories: Structural and contextual.

    Structural links, as the name suggests, are built into the structure of your site. These include things like buttons and menus that link to various pages on your website. These links can help build your site architecture in an SEO-friendly way (more on that later).

    Contextual links are included in the content of your website. These would be things like hyperlinks in text, or headings that link to other pages or subpages. Contextual links serve a specific purpose for your website and SEO as well, which we’ll get into in the next section.

    The Value of Internal Links

    Now that we’ve explained what internal links are and how they are used, it’s time to dive into the why of it all.

    Internal links are a key part of the SEO puzzle, especially when it comes to your site architecture. As we alluded to above, structural links are the main tool for this. The structure, or architecture, of your site should be designed in a specific way to make it easier to be crawled, and thus help your SEO rankings.

    The ideal structure for a website looks somewhat like a pyramid: There is one homepage, from which a handful of key revenue-driving pages can be reached. And from each of those pages, there are even more pages connected. Structural links are the connectors between these pages. Buttons and menus on your homepage should drive people to the handful of pages on your site that you want to have the most traffic.

    Internal links make your site navigation easier and cleaner. You can use both structural and contextual links to connect pages that are relevant to each other, and that customers are likely to want to move directly between. This will help not only your SEO, but your website user experience as well.

    Internal Links and Link Equity

    Another reason to make use of internal links is something called link equity. Without getting too deep into it, link equity is essentially the value or authority that is passed from one page to another by a link between them.

    If you have a particular page on your website that has especially high traffic or is often cited by other sites, it probably has higher authority and thus a stronger SEO ranking. If you link from this page to other pages on your site, you can pass along some of the authority to help your other pages rank higher as well.

    An important note when it comes to link equity: You don’t want to go crazy just linking every possible page on your site to each other. For real value to be passed along, there are a number of factors the algorithms will consider. Most notably, a link will pass along equity if it is relevant, it is a followed link, it is located high enough on the webpage, and there aren’t too many other links on that page.

    With all the information about internal links and SEO above, we hope you have a better idea why they are so important for your website. If you want to learn more about our SEO services, including internal link optimization and so much more, reach out today for a free consultation.

  • Instagram in 2023: How To Grow Your Following

    Instagram in 2023: How To Grow Your Following

    Instagram is a platform that provides brands with many opportunities to expand their customer base. With more than 500 million daily users, Instagram has some of the most engaged audiences among all social media platforms. From Reels to brand ambassadors, Instagram is an essential digital marketing tool to grow your audience and build relationships with potential customers.

    Incorporate reels into your content

    Instagram Reels are fun videos, similar to TikTok, that you can share with your followers on your Instagram account. Reels feature fun audio, effects, and creative tools for unique video creation. Reels can be shared on your feed and the Instagram explore page to reach new audiences. To gain traction, you should keep your social media content trend-driven, relatable, and educational.

    Share user-generated content

    User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool used by marketers to help influence engagement and increase conversions. UGC helps humanize your brands by featuring real people with real stories. UGC builds a more trusting relationship with potential customers. Customers love to be seen and heard, so sharing personalized content draws more attention to your page.

    Work with brand ambassadors

    Customers trust individuals to whom they can relate, so micro-influencers are the perfect product promoters. As an up-and-coming brand, working with brand ambassadors with a couple hundred to a few thousand followers can instill a sense of trust in your products. It is important you choose individuals who genuinely support your brand and encourage customers to try your products.

    Cross-promote content

    Cross-promoting involves posting similar content across various social media platforms. Businesses cross-promote to save resources and time. It is very effective in increasing audience engagement and brand awareness on Instagram. Mobile app users are spending an increasing amount of time on video content apps such as TikTok and Youtube. Cross-promoting on these platforms will expose your brands to new and similar audiences across platforms.

    With the tips above, you’ll have the best chance at growing your following on Instagram. Growth still won’t happen overnight though, so patience and consistency are key when it comes to growing your Instagram following.

  • Choosing The Right Digital Marketing Agency: Avoid These Red Flags

    Choosing The Right Digital Marketing Agency: Avoid These Red Flags

    Marketing your small business can be challenging and time-consuming when you’re also trying to juggle all the other responsibilities of a business owner.  Oftentimes, hiring a digital marketing agency can save you time and ensure your marketing is being effectively managed. But how can you be sure you’re choosing the right agency?  Below are some signs to look out for. The best digital marketing agencies are Swiss army knives, who can do it all and won’t raise any of these red flags. 

    Unrealistic claims

    Good digital marketing can do a lot, but it’s not magic. If an agency you’re considering is claiming they’ll be able to get results that seem unrealistic or overly optimistic, be wary. Increasing your profits by 1,000% in 1 month? Probably not going to happen. But laying out a plan to gradually help you see a threefold increase in sales over the course of 6-9 months? That makes more sense.

    Chances are, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. When looking for a digital marketing agency for your small business, you should try to find an agency that is realistic in their expectations.

    No examples of work or client reviews

    On the topic of making claims: When a digital marketing agency is making claims about themselves or what they can do for your business, they should be able to back it up. The best small business marketing agencies will be willing to share examples of their past marketing work and/or feedback from their existing clients. For instance, if you run a restaurant, you likely want to look for an agency that has done marketing for restaurants. You’ll want to see what they’ve done and how they’ve helped other restaurants that are similar to yours.

    If you ask to see what an agency has done in the past and they’re unwilling to show you, that’s a red flag. They may be covering up failures, or may just lack the experience and expertise to direct your marketing efforts.

    Lack of personalization

    The digital marketing agency you work with should be able to give you one-on-one attention, and personalize their efforts to the specific needs of your business. You don’t want an agency that just sees you as a number. Look for a marketing agency that treats you as a valued client.

    If all of the emails and communications you’re receiving seem like they’re boilerplate templates, you should be wary. Chances are, these agencies won’t be willing to change their methods or strategies when you need something outside the norm. You want to work with real marketing experts at an agency, who personalize their work and communication for your business, not just a bot or automated system.

    One-size-fits-all approach

    And finally, along similar lines, it’s not just the communication that should feel personalized. The marketing approach and methods used by a digital agency should be flexible and vary by client, not be rigid and formulaic.

    It’s true that there are general trends and principles that tend to hold true in marketing, that are supported by statistics, and that should be applied across industries. However, this does NOT mean that the exact same digital marketing strategy will work for every company. Your small business is unique, and the marketing efforts to support it should be as well.

    If you work with a marketing agency that has a rigid structure and takes a one-size-fits-all approach, they may not be willing to be flexible and adjust to make a plan that works for your specific brand. The best digital marketing agencies offer full-service marketing, and are willing to do what’s best for each individual client and their individual circumstances. For instance, here at BYK we are a marketing Swiss army knife, offering a full range of digital marketing services that are catered to each of our clients individually.

    By avoiding these red flags, you’re more likely to find a top digital marketing agency that will help your brand implement successful marketing campaigns.

  • Client Success Story: Guido’s

    Client Success Story: Guido’s

    We love celebrating the successes of our clients! Helping a local small business owner grow their brand is what we do best.  

    Today, we’re highlighting one of our long-term clients, Guido’s Pizzeria and Tapas. As a marketing Swiss army knife, we’ve helped them grow, develop their business, and navigate the very uncertain pandemic years. 

    Who Is Guido’s?

    Guido’s is a restaurant located in The Hill neighborhood of St. Louis. They offer a unique fusion of Italian and Spanish specialties on their extensive menu. Guido’s is family-run, and has been owned by Miguel Carretero and his family since 1988. They serve up authentic family recipes made with love, and are a staple in The Hill community. Just a few of their signature dishes: Spanish paella, homemade lasagna, and St. Louis-style pizza with their unique blend of Provel and mozzarella cheese.

    Business Highlights

    Guido’s was by no means a new restaurant when we began working with them a few years ago. However, although they were well-established, our marketing efforts were able to help them really enhance their business and put their best foot forward. Focused digital marketing effortswas not something they had time for while also trying to manage and run a very popular restaurant. Our team of marketing experts eased the burden, and made sure Guido’s was getting the best possible restaurant marketing.

    Through a combination of what they already had in place and our digital marketing expertise, Guido’s offers the following business highlights. These highlights drive sales, bring in new customers, and increase brand awareness.

    • Online reservation system
    • Online ordering for carryout
    • eGift cards
    • Active social presence on Instagram Facebook, and TikTok

    Pandemic Pivots

    Like all restaurants, the events of March 2020 hit Guido’s hard. Overnight, hospitality marketing and the industry as a whole changed completely.

    Luckily, we were able to help Guido’s pivot and continue to succeed in the new landscape. Our digital promotions shifted from an emphasis on in-person dining to an emphasis on to-go orders. Special Family Meal Deals were added to their menu to encourage people to keep ordering out. They temporarily offered local delivery to make ordering online even more convenient. We heavily promoted all of these efforts in digital marketing campaigns throughout the year, helping Guido’s to stay profitable during a very trying time for restaurants.

    What We’re Doing Now

    How do we help Guido’s stay successful today? Our full-service digital marketing covers all of their online needs. Guido’s is well-known in the community and has a solid fan base. Our efforts focus on bringing in new groups of customers, while also continuing to target existing customers and turning them into regular visitors. Just a few of the hospitality marketing services we engage in for Guido’s:

    • Maintaining and growing their existing social channels
    • Building an engaged TikTok presence
    • Running ads for growth and conversions
    • Continually refining ad content and target audiences based on all we have learned through our years of marketing experience with Guido’s

    Are you looking for a digital marketing agency to help you the way we’ve helped Guido’s? Reach out for a free consultation to learn more about our full-service marketing and how we can help your brand thrive.

  • Why Your TikToks Aren’t Performing Well

    Why Your TikToks Aren’t Performing Well

    TikTok has become one of the most used apps in the world. Since its launch in 2016, creators have taken advantage of the app’s features to promote themselves and their brands. Though TikTok is a great marketing tool, you may be struggling with engagement. Here are some reasons why, and how you can help your TikTok succeed.

    You’re not posting original content

    Content is key when making TikToks for your audience. The content that you post should be original and developed solely from a host account. The TikTok algorithm knows if videos are unoriginal or reposted, and is designed to block such content. Furthermore, your content should follow current social media trends because the algorithm pushes trends to the For You Page. Making the most of viral sounds, visual effects, and hashtags will increase visibility.

    Your schedule is inconsistent

    When posting on TikTok, you must always consider when your audience is online and ready to engage. If you post late at night or very early in the morning, your audience is likely to miss your video on their feed when they wake up. A TikTok business account gives you access to analytics such as audience locations and when they’re most active.

    You’re not using the right hashtags

    Hashtags are one of the best tools to utilize on TikTok. Hashtags make your videos easier to find, increase your reach and visibility, and help you identify competitors and potential collaborators. Using hashtags catered to your audience can help the algorithm understand who should see your content. However, if you use too many hashtags, the algorithm will find it difficult to categorize your content. Overall, using trending hashtags relevant to your audience will generate more engagement.

    TikTok engagement can be tough to achieve, but with these tips you’ll be on the right track. As a digital marketing Swiss army knife, our team here at BYK Digital Marketing can help you with all your digital marketing needs, including stand out on emerging social channels like TikTok.

  • Internal vs. External Links: Which Is Better For Your Business?

    Internal vs. External Links: Which Is Better For Your Business?

    Links on your website can play a major role in your SEO. But what types of links are there, and which ones are best?  Below we’ve got a rundown of two major types of links you’ll want to make use of: Internal and external. 

    What is an internal link?

    An internal link is a link that connects one page within a domain to another page within that same domain. Essentially, it takes people from one page of your website to a different page of your website. These links can be in the form of buttons or dropdown menus, or hyperlinks in your written content.

    What is an external link?

    On the other hand, an external link is one that directs people from a page on your website to a page on a completely different website. You might use external links if you’re citing a source, want to provide your customers with additional information, or have an affiliate program you’re directing people to.

    What are the similarities between internal and external links?

    These two types of links sound opposite, and in many ways they are. But there are similarities between them as well. Both internal and external links can take the same forms on your website: They can be embedded in buttons, a dropdown menu, or hyperlinked in written text on a page on your website.

    Additionally, both internal and external links are important for SEO and increasing your site’s traffic. We’ll talk more about that below.

    Additionally, both internal and external links are important for SEO and increasing your site’s traffic. We’ll talk more about that below.

    Why do internal and external links matter?

    In short: Bringing more people to your website. Although the specifics vary between internal and external links, both are keys to optimizing your website and ensuring it is seen by as many people as possible.

    Internal links help improve your SEO and user experience on your site. They allow for quick and easy navigation between different pages on your site. Effective use of internal links will keep users on your website for longer, and keep them more engaged. Internal links also make it easier for your site to be navigated by bots, to ensure your pages are properly indexed. In turn, this will improve your visibility in search engine rankings.

    External links increase the credibility and authority of your website. By linking to relevant and credible sources, you will in turn make your own site seem more credible in the eyes of Google. This will help your SEO, as Google ranks more credible pages higher.

    Which is better?

    There’s no short answer to this. Internal links and external links each have their own purposes. In reality, you need both strong internal links and external links to help boost your site’s SEO and visibility.

    How to improve your links

    SEO can be challenging, and the best way to ensure your website is optimized is by hiring a digital marketing agency. The best marketing agencies will be able to quickly identify areas of your site that can be improved to increase your traffic, visibility, and ultimately conversions.

    BYK Digital is a marketing Swiss army knife: Not only can we help with your SEO, but can manage all other aspects of your digital marketing presence as well. Reach out today for a free audit or to learn more about our digital marketing services.

  • Is Facebook Still Relevant For Brands?

    Is Facebook Still Relevant For Brands?

    Though many people might believe that Facebook is reaching its end, it is still the most used social media platform. Facebook’s user base is estimated to include around 2.96 billion active users monthly. Despite its ability to remain at the top, you may be wondering if Facebook is still relevant for brands. Listed below are three reasons why Facebook is still an important tool for social media marketing in 2023:

    Facebook Advertising is highly effective

    Facebook ads can increase a brand’s visibility on the platform. Specifically, ads increase content visibility, impressions, and click-through rates (CTR) as well as boost traffic to a brand’s core website content. Furthermore, the Facebook Advertising platform provides brands with a wide range of analytics. Brands are provided with metrics about post engagement, weekly reach, page likes, which posts were the most successful, etc.

    Facebook has the highest number of social commerce buyers.

    When shopping online, 19% of U.S. consumers start their search on Facebook. By the end of 2023, Facebook will see 65.7% of U.S. social commerce buyers. Facebook is the perfect platform to promote products and services as it is the most popular e-commerce social media platform. Whether you are promoting physical products or other services such as restaurants, Facebook is the perfect platform to build brand awareness and encourage consumers to purchase from your brand.

    The majority of Facebook users follow or research brands on the platform.

    Specifically, 54.9% of customers follow or research brands on Facebook. Without a solid Facebook presence, you’ll miss out on potential customers who are actively researching what to buy. Word of mouth is the most important form of consumer research. Consumers trust the opinions of people they know and other customers before the brand. Facebook is a common source for customer reviews and word of mouth from friends and family.

    All in all, creating a positive Facebook presence can keep your brand relevant in the long run. While the exact tools that will work best will vary by brand, it is safe to say that for most businesses, Facebook is still a valuable marketing tool in 2023.

  • Case Study: Analysis of a Website

    Case Study: Analysis of a Website

    In past blogs, we’ve covered some of the important features your brand’s website should have, particularly for restaurants and brands in the hospitality industry. Today though, we’re really illustrating this point. 
    Let’s take a closer look at a website we designed to point out the key features that help a website succeed.

    About the brand:

    This website is for PokeDoke, a poke and Hawaiian BBQ restaurant in St. Louis, MO. They were the first poke restaurant in the area and have since expanded their offerings to include other Hawaiian delicacies like Butter Garlic Shrimp and Kalbi Shortribs. Here’s an in-depth look at some of the features we were sure to include on their website.

    Clear and Consistent Branding

    When scrolling through the various pages on PokeDoke’s site, you will see consistency in the branding. This includes use of the brand colors, a consistent design, and the logo included in various places across the site.

    A company’s branding is how they are most recognizable to consumers. Keeping it consistent is important for a website to flow, make sense to users, and accurately portray the brand.

    Easily Accessible Navigation Menu

    You will notice the buttons prominently located across the top of PokeDoke’s home screen. These buttons offer easy access to various pages of their website. Very rarely does a potential customer visit a website and only want to access the homepage. They are often looking for other information, like a menu or contact details.

    Every website with multiple pages should include an easily accessible navigation menu of some sort, so users can seamlessly move from one page to the next.

    Internal Links

    Just like a navigation menu, internal links improve the user experience on your website. They help visitors move across different pages of your website and gather the information they are looking for. Internal links can also play a role in improving a brand’s SEO and rankings.

    On PokeDoke’s website, internal links are included in the blog posts on the News&Info page. There are also buttons and menus on the various webpages that serve as internal links as well.

    Clear CTA for Conversions

    Your website can serve many purposes for consumers: They can use it to learn about your business, explore your offerings, or see recent changes or updates you’ve made. But most importantly for most businesses, websites are meant to drive conversions of some sort.

    Your site should have a clear call-to-action (CTA) that leads to whatever conversions you are looking for, whether that is online product orders, calls to your shop, or lead form submissions.

    In the case of PokeDoke, we want people to order their food. You can see that the bright yellow Order Now button on their homepage grab’s users’ attention and thus encourages more conversions.

    Relevant Store Info

    Some people are coming to your site to place an order, but others haven’t reached that stage of the consumer journey yet. They may simply be seeking information about your business as they’re making their purchasing decisions.

    While you do want your site to effectively drive conversions, you should also cater to those who aren’t quite ready to purchase yet. Think about the pieces of information users are most likely to seek on your site, and make sure they are easy to find.

    For PokeDoke, people probably want to know some or all of the following information: What kind of food they serve, where they are located, what their hours are, and how to contact them. You can see that all of this information is displayed prominently on their website’s homepage. A full menu is also easily to reach with just one click.

    Attention Grabbing Visuals

    And finally, we’ve talked a lot about the content and organization of a website. But to really be effective, the site needs to look good too!

    A key piece of this is including eye-catching graphics and visuals wherever possible. You want to rope people in with the images they’re seeing, and then share more information with them through text.

    You can see that mouth-watering food photos are a major part of PokeDoke’s website. Not only do they do a great job displaying the types of offerings the restaurant serves, but also just make the website look good. Pictures and videos make browsing your website a more pleasant experience for everyone.

    We hope this deep dive into one of our clients’ websites has shown you some of the key features a brand’s website should have.

    As a marketing Swiss army knife, we can help your brand with any website or other digital marketing needs you may have. If you liked what you saw, reach out today for a free audit of your digital presence and to learn what BYK Digital can do for you.

  • 7 Ways Google Bard Can Help Your Restaurant

    7 Ways Google Bard Can Help Your Restaurant

    For those who do not know, Google has recently developed a new conversational AI service called Bard. Google Bard functions similarly to ChatGPT and like most AI chatbots, Bard can code, answer analytical questions, and help you with your writing needs. Artificial Intelligence has proved to be a very useful tool in the digital space, so it is important for restaurants to take advantage of services such as Google Bard. Listed below are seven ways Google Bard can help your restaurant:

    Reach new audiences

    Google Bard helps businesses increase their reach and engagement by providing them with a platform to connect with current and potential customers. Through the use of social media, search engines, and other online channels, restaurants can reach and engage with new audiences.

    Content creation

    Google Bard can also assist restaurants in creating quality content for their websites, social media, and other marketing platforms. The system is designed to create content such as social media captions, blog posts, and product descriptions. Google Bard can generate new ideas if given a topic or keyword and will improve the quality of material if necessary.

    Increased productivity

    Restaurants can focus on growing and serving their customers more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks and providing real-time analytics. Bard allows businesses to organize their operations and increase productivity. This is especially effective in the digital marketing space as it is important to keep up to date with customer data.

    Email marketing

    Restaurants can create tailored email marketing campaigns with Google Bard. Email marketing campaigns created by Google Bard can increase your interaction with current and potential customers. When instructed, Google Bard can develop more engaging subject lines as well as customized topic lines by using customer data. Variations of the same email can be tested to see which one is the most effective in terms of click-through rates, conversion rates, and open rates.

    Global access

    Google Bard provides businesses with access to a large network of potential business partners. The platform allows businesses to collaborate and expand their reach and engagement with other businesses. With global access, businesses can reach new markets and grow their customer base.

    Improved customer service

    With Google Bard, restaurants can engage with customers more effectively. With chatbots, businesses can answer customer questions quickly and build trust and satisfaction with their audiences. Google Bard can be used to create automated responses to simple questions such as “What are your hours of operation?” Furthermore, Bard can create responses that are tailored to specific customers by using previous purchases to make recommendations.

    Outstanding marketing techniques

    Restaurants can improve their results through the use of Google Bard’s advanced analytics tools. The platform allows businesses to track and analyze their marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions thus improving their performance in the long run. It is crucial for restaurants to predict market trends and customer preferences, and Google Bard is the perfect assistant for doing so.

    Overall, Google Bard for business is a great way to improve reach, content, productivity, and customer satisfaction for restaurants. It is often difficult for businesses, especially small businesses, to reach new audiences and improve their marketing. Assistance from a digital marketing agency is great for small businesses that do not know where to start. BYK Digital Marketing provides small businesses with the marketing services they need to compete in the business world. We offer services such as PPC management, content creation, social media management, SEO, community management, and email marketing to ensure your small business succeeds! If you need help making use of Google Bard or other digital marketing for your small business, please reach out to us!

  • Google Bard Pros and Cons

    Google Bard Pros and Cons

    Google Bard is here and it sure has been making its mark this year.  What is Google Bard? Google’s answer to ChatGPT has some similarities to the well-known chatbot, but is also different in many ways. Whether you’re looking to make use of Google Bard for marketing or personal purposes, here are some of the positives and negatives to note about the new AI chatbot from Google. 

    Pros of Google Bard


    Compared to traditional search methods that rely heavily on keywords, Google Bard is much more conversational. With Bard you can type or talk the way you usually would in a conversation, and it can interpret what you’re asking and provide answers. No more relying on typing unnatural, clunky phrases with keywords to get the answers you’re looking for.

    Includes Photos

    Another fun feature of Google Bard is the way it can incorporate photos into its functionality. Google is continuously rolling out new features for Bard, but for the time being photos can be used in a few different ways. Bard has started including photos as part of their answers to some questions or requests (when relevant). You can also input photos as part of your search, which Bard can interpret.

    Follow-Up Questions

    Once you conduct a search on Google, that’s pretty much the end of the road. If you have a follow-up you just have to start all over and try another search. Bard’s capabilities make it much more useful for follow-up questions. This is helpful for people using Google Bard for marketing. A customer journey is rarely just a one-and-done question. Bard’s capability to continue the conversation or journey will be relevant in digital marketing as Bard is made use of more and more.

    Integrated with Google Search

    And finally, despite its benefits compared to traditional search, Bard is still in the experimental phrase so it may not always answer your questions perfectly. If you don’t like Bard’s response to your query, it is integrated with traditional Google Search, so you can easily see results from the search engine instead.

    Cons of Google Bard

    Not Always Accurate

    Now for some of the downsides and shortcomings of Google Bard. As of right now, there are some concerns about he accuracy of answers the chatbot provides. In some demos, it has given factually incorrect information. However, Bard is a constant work in progress and is improving its knowledge base every day. Like any AI, it improves its effectiveness by learning over time. Time will tell whether there are lasting accuracy issues.

    Lacks in Citations

    Another area Google Bard falls short is when it comes to citing its sources. In some cases, it provides information without any indication of where that information came from. Or, it will provide a faulty citation. Google will need to be careful to fix these issues and ensure Google Bard is properly citing sources of the information it’s sharing with users.

    Plagiarism Concerns

    Along similar lines, much of the AI on the market today brings to light concerns about plagiarism and intellectual property. If you ask Bard to write you a blog post or Instagram caption, has it truly created new ideas for you or copied them from someone else? As Google continues to update and refine Bard, it will be important that measures are taken to prevent plagiarism and issues surrounding intellectual property.

    With all the announced updates and changes coming to Google Bard, it is hard to make a final judgment on it just yet. For now, there are quite a few upsides to using Google’s new AI chatbot, but it has some shortcomings as well.

    Google Bard for business can be a great way to help your small business. It is often difficult to reach new audiences and improve your marketing. Assistance from a digital marketing agency with tools like Google Bard is a great way to start. BYK Digital Marketing is a marketing Swiss army knife, and provides small businesses with the marketing services they need to compete in the business world. We offer services such as PPC management, content creation, social media management, SEO, community management, and email marketing to ensure your small business succeeds! If you need help making use of Google Bard or other digital marketing for your small business, please reach out to us.

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