Email Marketing: Keep This In Mind Before Pressing Send

Creating a successful email marketing campaign is not as easy as it may seem. There is usually one main goal: improve conversions so your business gets more leads and sales. In order to achieve this goal, you must first understand the science behind it. Here are 5 key factors that you should keep in mind before pressing send.

1. Write A “Must Click” Subject Line

Your subject line should be so could that the reader does not have a choice but to click on it and find out more. Think about what grabs your attention when scrolling through your own emails. What makes you open one rather than scrolling past or just deleting? Readers open emails they think they can benefit from. Get creative with it and don’t be afraid to use emojis!

2. Optimize For All Devices

In 2018, 61% of emails were opened on a mobile device. This is crucial information while writing subject lines and formatting the campaign. If an email is not optimized for mobile, no one is going to take the time to read it. If you haven’t previewed how your campaign appears on a mobile device, go take a look before pressing send!

3. Be Personal (in a smart way)

While using their name in the subject can be tempting, don’t ignore the many other ways you can add personalized touches to emails. If you have other data collected from subscribers, put it to use. 

  • Birthdays – Send a coupon or happy birthday message (I’ve even seen half-birthday messages)
  • Surveys and Feedback – Thank them for the nice review
  • Website Interactions – Recommend products per their viewing history 

Adding personalized touches make a difference when it comes to conversion. Break your subscribers into data related categories to make sending these types of emails easier.

4. Choose The Right Time

Timing is crucial. Pay attention to when your subscribers are most responsive. What days and hours of the day perform best? According to WordStream, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the most popular days to send out a campaign. Monday is, well, its Monday. The weekend is over and the email is going to be flooded. On Friday, everyone is itching for the weekend and ready to not see any more emails for a couple of days.

The best general practice would be to stick to the weekdays between 9 AM and 11 AM or 1 PM to 3 PM. MailChimp research has declared 2 PM as an optimal time. Of course, everyone is different and there are going to be the few people who read their emails at 2 AM. We recommend playing it safe and keeping an eye on your campaign statistics for the best results.

5. Avoid The Spam Folder

The dreaded spam folder. You lost an opportunity with a subscriber and your campaign reputation received a strike. If someone sends your email to spam on Gmail, your email address loses trust. Avoid the spam folder with these tricks:

Keep Your Subscriber List Cleaned Up – inactive subscribers contribute to bad metrics. Make sure your subscribers know how to unsubscribe to avoid future bounces or visits to the spam folder.
Avoid Spammy Words like “free,” “help,” “money,” and “earn.” Yesware came up with a list to help you out with this.

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